BOOKS occupy not only our shelves but a greater part of my life, my heart.
First, a book brought me and my husband together:
“He loves to read, I love to read,
therefore we read to love”…: D
Our love story was aired on National T.V.:
While our book case,
had us featured in a magazine:
It might have been because, I grew up surrounded with books:
( rafa , in front of the book case that has provided my siblings and I , all the knowledge needed through the years)
( My son Rafa and my niece Kelly, in the house where I grew up)
And though dustied by time, framed on the walls of my parents’ house are wisdom from books too:
(From Mitch Albom’s Five People You Meet In Heaven
and Khalil Gibran’s , On Children:)
And books also brought these unto the walls of my parents’ home:
Books are good investments.
If not for them (and God , of course) , my parents would not have a sight such as these on their shelves staring back at them:
Therefore, BOOKS sum up my life…”SURROUND”.
Posted using BlogPress from Pier Angeli Ang Sen’s iPad2
Posted using BlogPress from Pier Angeli Ang Sen’s iPad2