Quezon Filipino and Spanish Buffet

. Before my brother and my sister-in-law left for abroad, our big family had a (get-together) buffet lunch at Quezon Filipino and Spanish Restaurant. Quezon Restaurant is at the second floor of the Fisher Mall, in Quezon Avenue, West Triangle, Quezon City. Apparently, the restaurant is partly owned by Chef Laudico Guevarra of Gueverra’s. The […]


Five Types of Aldub Fans on Twitter (Part 2)

*continuation of Five Types of Aldub Fans on Twitter (Part 1) 4. THE ALDUB IMMORTALS Who says dead people tell no tales? They’re on Twitter -with testimonies and hashtags, in tow. They are fans like me -heavily invested on Aldub. (sometimes, my current mood traces its roots, back to a previous episode of the Kalyeserye) […]


Five Types of Aldub Fans on Twitter (Part 1)

I have been kalyesery-ed! I am a huge fan of Aldub, the Lolas and the Kalyeserye. I was not able to regain my old self -from eight months ago. But more than being a fan of the three lolas and Alden and Yaya, I have also acquired a new habit. That newly acquired habit of […]


When Love Finds You, Do You Fight It?

When Love Finds You, Do You Fight It? One day, when that magic called love, lands on your doorstep, do you open the door wide or slam it shut? Do you ran towards it, in Barry Allen fashion? Do you raise your arms up and shout “come on hit me with your best shot?” Or […]